Saturday, December 26, 2009
The Awakening of My Life - 1997
When suddenly a storm arose
That storm was ye
Yes ye - YOU
It was all too good to be true
This joyous storm
Awakened my senses
It brightened my life
Restored my willfullness to survive
DArk winters turned to glorious springs
The sun came up
And like a bird
I flew on enchanted wings
Those empty hours
Waiting for Mr. Right
Without knowing my future or plight
I obtained the fruit of success of those
'Cause you came and opened
All my mind's locked doors
You gave me hope and love and care
And now I have
My blooming heart
With someone to share
The feeling was of
Warm sunbeams galore
Or the softness of
White waves on the ocean shore
My whole existance
Suddenly had
A new meaningful view
All because
You met me
And I met you
Descriptive Love - 1996
With someone about whom you really care
For whom you will jump from the highest stair
Love is something that is quite rare
It can be shared with any creature
Be it man, dog or mare
Love is a feeling you share with someone true
A person who really cares about you
And for each other you will anything do
People find it very difficult to find love anew
For persons to love are very few
Love is a game two can play and both win
And love can never be defined as a sin
It is something about which a person never makes a din
Love is something a person can never throw in the bin
Love be broken sometimes may
But another person to really love in this world does lay
And about love that's all I can say
Laughter The Best Medicine - 1996
Any doctor can prescribe
It comes very naturally
And out of you no one can bribe
Laughter is a wonderful feeling
You cannot experience on your own
It tickles every part of your body
All flesh, muscle and bone
Laughter is fun
Laughter is joy
Laughter can be felt
By every girl and boy
Laughter is sweet
Laughter is sour
Anywhere is the world
Laughter can be heard at any odd hour
Monday, November 30, 2009
Floating along
Just hazy thoughts floating around
I fall sweetly through silken clouds
A lazy smile lingers 'cause it's you I found
A kiss gentle and sweet, I could stay here forever
Sleep draws me in with the promise of more
Oh sweet nothingness
Help me last a few days...not a whole lot...just four
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Here I am Lord
Genesis 46:2
"And God spake unto Israel in the visions of the night,and said, Jacob, Jacob. And he said, Here am I."
I, the Lord of sea and sky,
I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin,
My hand will save.
Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
I, who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?
I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people’s pain.
I have wept for love of them.
They turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone,
Give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my words to them.
Whom shall I send?
I, the Lord of wind and flame,
I will send the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them.
My hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide,
'Til their hearts be satisfied.
I will give my life to them.
Whom shall I send?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Blog or Diary
As I write in this blog I often wonder...what exactly do I want to put down here? I write as I think. But is that something for me to put out in front of the whole world? Maybe I should write in code and so only the right people will know what I mean.
Eventually I think a lot of blogs become like a daily dairy, but with not too many personal details. Or then the details are present, but cryptic. I had decided that I wouldn't write every thought that walks across my mind in here. Somehow that boundary seems a bit blurred now.
I feel like writing about the small things in my day to day life. I stop myself though. But then I want to write about how I made my Mom's day by telling her that I am glad to be back from the States because this way I get to talk and connect with her more often. And I want to write about how a 'koti' warmed my heart when work seemed to be pulling me down. Aren't these thoughts to be written to yourself in a little diary hidden away?
Do I have time for a daily dairy? I don't feel like writing everyday. People, places and events trigger the so called writer in me and that is when I feel like picking up a pen and letting it all flow.
Blog or Diary?
Maybe I should keep both.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Bipolar Disorder
A wise man once told me to keep the remote control of my feelings safe in my hands. No one should be able to control my emotions. But, really?!?!?! How can that be possible? We are all human and we interact with so many people. People, especially the ones close to us affect us, right? Isn't only then that you realise that they mean a lot to you?
The people you love probably deserve to hold the remote from time to time. Love in general. Your Family, Lover or God.
My Mom kissed me good night yesterday after I do not know how many years! It brought a smile to my face and I forgot my tummy ache for a while. I forgot that my Sis had just bugged me and the tiredness I felt on the way home from work. However, just that morning I had a fight with Mom. I was really angry and couldn't think straight. How is it that I can be so angry and then suddenly so happy with the same person? Do we forget what we felt such a short time ago?
Ah, yes...It gets even worse with your sweetheart. It is like the ebb and flow of the waves. One moment you feel pulled towards the person and want to do everything together. Then one misunderstanding leaves you frustrated and wanting to be nowhere near the person. Or maybe go real near and chop their head off [wicked laugh]
True, that it is temporary and in a short while you can't resist the pull once again :) Everything is fine once again and a smile shines bright on your face.
Are we all bipolar when it comes to love?
Sometimes I call and hear only an echo
Why are you not around when I need you near?
Staring at a blank wall wondering what is beyond
Why are you not around when I can't see clear?
What happened last night, I can't understand
Why are you not around when I can't think right?
Confusion surrounds me and I search for an answer
Why are you not around, is this a fight?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Time seems to stand still when all you can see is sand and water and rocks block the rest of the world from you.
Thoughts seem to grow on you in such times. Sprouting out of your head and trickling along your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
The ocean beckons me with it rhythmic ebb and flow. Hypnotized, I move towards it unable to stop myself though I know I should. Just shallow water I think. Just skimming thoughts that seem to draw me in. An inch more, maybe a yard.
NO...these are not who I am now. These belong in the past. Tide, do not draw me in! I'm scared.
I start to move away but golden swirls of fond memories pull me in. Although aware of the danger, I follow, unable to steer away. It is only once I am too far in that the tentacles of blue and grey wrap around me. Octopus with no mercy...HELP! What have I done? Why did I not watch out for the trap?
Squirming, "let me loose". "No" say them - ghosts of years past, "look and remember, feel and cry. No one will hear you". Trapped in the swarm of arms, suckers clinging tight leaving me breathless and gasping. All energy seeps away, I collapse and am helpless. Too tired to fight them any more. I weep silently and drown in misery.
A soft voice speaks up - Why must you consume yourself this way? Need to get out and breathe. Let go of the past, golden swirls and all. I struggle and start to swim. No idea where my efforts are leading me. Left and right I look. Keep moving, push away from the froth of the monster.
Up and Up I go, I see a hand, sweet and loving reaching out for me. I hold on for dear life and suddenly I am free. Warm arms wrap around me and I take the fresh ocean air in. Snuggle in the coziness. A determined prayer to never venture in forbidden waters again.

Crimson thoughts soon die away and true love will never fade.
The sun seems warm again, the sand soft under my feet and his smile shining down on me.
Present to Ashes, Past to Dust...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Heart To Heart
Don't fret the small things in life my sweet
A rose by any other name is still but a rose
Smell its sweetness, take in its beauty
Feel the warm silk flow over you in quiet repose
For life is about capturing the nuances of thought - yours and mine
Names, facts and figures shall soon fade into archived memory
But true feelings shall always withstand the shifting sands of time
Moments - A Response to Ash
Swirling through timeless vaccuum
Riding on a black stallion through the last wisps of night
Still moments shall never be repeated
And somehow will never be forgotten
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Who Am I?
Ans: True!
**This is going to be one long blog!!
We are all a combination of the picture we have of ourselves and that which others have of us.
Unfortunately we rarely ever get to know what other people truly think of us.
So now what I am left with is: Who do I think I am? What are my thoughts on life - mine and in general?
Serious, outspoken, hyperactive, emotional, strong, bull headed, hot tempered are words that come to my mind. But, isn't everyone over crititcal about themselves? ;-)
So I guess I am sweet, angelic, kind, generous, soft spoken and charming!!
I live the way I want to and for the most part do not like people telling me what to do. I try to be just and objective in my thoughts and actions even if it hurts. I am pretty opinionated, though I may not share my thoughts. However, here are some random aspects of life and my thoughts on them.
Family - Mom, Dad, Sis and I form my immediate family. My extended family is HUGE! I have family in every continent. Family always comes first. Well almost always ;-) Sometimes you need a break from it all. Some unseen strings (very elastic ones) always seem to pull you back though.
Friends - I used to think that I am selective and have very few friends. I tried counting them right now and I have so many. Most of these are really good friends. People who I wouldn't want to lose and most of them would not want to lose me. I think that is what true friendship is about - not losing the person even when you are not near them. This encompasses a lot. It means to be there for them when they need you even if you haven't heard from them in a while, keeping in touch to the best you can, laugh with then, cry with them, share life's little moments with them.
Enemies - I truly don't think anyone really hates me. Jealous girlfriends don't count ;-) I don't like a few people, but I wouldn't put it down as hating them. I would just rather keep my distance.
Work - Have always worked for one company. Loyalty? Naaa.... Inertia? Big time! I like what I do though. I am a software engineer and will always be a techie at heart. Management comes with the territory as you grow, but I keep messing with programming and tend to linger in there for a while. Lost in motion and MOVE from one VARIABLE to another in LOOPS and FLOW with unseen LOGIC.
Money - I have never scrounged...ever! We live only once and all my money is not going to come with me to heaven/hell when I die. So why not spend it now and actually enjoy it? This does not mean that I do not save. A considerable part of my income does go into the bank for the rainy day. I like splurging once in a while though. An expensive gym membership, diamond pendant - coz I am worth it and maybe a day in the spa :-)
Love - People who have not experienced this have missed out on something great. I have had and lost love more than once and it is alright. It is one of the most fulfilling feelings to be in love with someone and spend time with them. Everything they say about the sun shining brighter, the days seeming warmer, the rain being sweet - All true. Losing it does hurt, but life does move on and the heart does heal. It sure as hell does not feel like it when you are going through a breakup, but it gets better. Trust me :)
Learning - In Septemeber 2009 a few wise words were showered on me.
Before that lets start with what I believe. I think that it is more important to be healthy and fit than be beautiful and frail. I have lived my life to this effect. I run outside in the sun. The tan does not bother me. I rarely wear makeup. I workout regularly and try any outdoor activity. Team sports are not my cup of tea, but skating, running, canoeing are things I will jump up and do at the drop of a hat.
Now back to the wise words:
1> We live only once and if we have to die at 66, we will. So live life to the fullest. Do everything that you want to do. Do not bother about what people think. Sometimes it is worth taking risks and putting a lot on the line. Always take the path less trodden. You may end up in the same place as the end of the well trodden path, but the journey would be much more exciting - I have taken this to heart and never say no to anything that sounds remotely interesting. I decided to give my GRE and go on a trip to the canyons in a second and that is just what I did. Why not?
2> Who said you cannot be active and look good at the same time? What occasion are you waiting for to dress up or take care of your self? - This one is tough to follow. It takes some convincing to even get myself to go brush, floss and rinse before I go to bed. However, it is true. Why not dress well? After all people can see you all day long everyday. Your impression is not made at one fancy dress party, but the way you look and behave all the time.
Aspirations - This is one tough topic and I am not sure many people really know what they want to be or want from life. I don't know clearly either. I do know that I don't want to one of those people who are lost in time once they make their exit. I need to have done something with my life. Be immortal in some way to someone.
Running - Ask anyone what my favorite thing in the world to do is and they will have the same answer. I am not a fast runner or a great endurance runner. I love it nonetheless. One of my best friends, Forrest, introduced me to this sport. I was always active and worked out regularly. But he asked me to start taking part in some fun runs and that got me addicted. I have been running for the past 1.5 years and I fills me with a sense of accomplishment and inner strength. I have run my first Half Marathon on the 15th of August. Did not do well as I did not train in the four weeks leading up to it due to 3 leg injuries. Did it though and am damn happy about it!!
Likes -
Non Fiction books with a story to tell
Sitting by the ocean
Sand Castles
Ice Tea
Dislikes -
Politics - be it international, national, local or official.
Dirty Nails
Insects and Lizards
Slow people - mentally or physically
Life has not been all hunky-dory, but it has made me who I am. I am happy to be me and I wouldn't change me for the world. Like it is said somewhere - I am my favorite!!
Sunday Sermon 11th Oct 2009
However one thing is true - I prefer to go to church in India as opposed to the States. For me the whole meaning of going to church is to hear the sermon. It is only this part of the mass that tells you something more than what you can read on your own.
For the four years that I was in the States, it was a rare occurrence that I got to listen to something really meaningful. Something that made you ponder about it the whole day, made you want to live a better life, want to be proactive in doing good deeds.
Last Sunday I went to church with my Mom in Pune. I really liked the sermon and thought that I would share it here.
There was a disciple who went up to his master and asked him, ''Master I always do my work honestly, I do not harm anyone, I follow all the ten commandments and I am honest. Will I go to heaven?'' The master was busy. He looked up and then ignoring the disciple he went on with his work.
The disciple got a bit upset and said, "Why do you ignore me? I asked you a question. I am honest and do my work well and do not harm anyone. Will I go to heaven?"
The master put his pen down and said, "If this chair and table, and this fan and that tree outside the window can go to heaven, why can't you?"
The disciple was sad and asked. "Why do you compare me with a table and chair?" To this the master replied, "The chair and table do not harm anyone, the fan follows all the adjustments you make to it and the tree honestly provides fruit every year. Hence by your logic, they will all go to heaven, so why not you?"
The teaching here was that we do not sin by deeds when we follow all the commandments laid down by God. However we sin by omission. Just doing the bare essential is not enough. We need to be proactive in doing good to others.
When we are laid to rest at the end of our lives, we should not have people at a loss of words at our eulogy. We do not want them to just say that we were honest and did no harm to anyone. We would want people to talk about and remember how we were good and did good to others.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Movies Worth Watching
Young Annie is an orphanage. A wealthy man's assistant picks her to live in the man's palatial home for the Christmas Holidays. The film is a musical and it talks about Annie's time with the rich guy and how they are initially uncomfortable with each other, but soon come to love each other.
Catch Me If You Can
Is a 2002 comedy-drama crime film based on the life of Frank Abagnale Jr, who, before his 19th birthday, successfully conned millions of dollars by posing as a Pan American World Airways pilot, a Georgia doctor and Louisiana attorney and parish prosecutor. His primary crime was check forgery, becoming so skillful that the FBI eventually turned to him for help.
Chariots Of Fire
The movie is based on the true story of two British athletes competing in the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris. Englishman Harold Abrahams (Ben Cross), who is Jewish, overcomes anti-semitism and class prejudice in order to compete against the "Flying Scotsman", Eric Liddell (Ian Charleson), in the 100 metre race.
Is a 2000 American epic film. Russel Crowe portrays General Maximus Decimus Meridius, favorite of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius who is betrayed and murdered by his unhinged son, Commodus (Phoenix). Captured and enslaved along the outer fringes of the Roman empire, Maximus rises through the ranks of the gladiatorial arena to avenge the murder of his family and his Emperor.
Life Is Beautiful
Is a 1997 Italian language film which tells the story of a Jewish Italian, Guido Orefice, who must employ his fertile imagination to help his son survive their internment in a Nazi concentration camp.
Spirit Of The Marathon
Is a 2007 documentary film directed by Jon Dunham. The film chronicles the journey six marathon runners experience while training, and eventually competing in the 2005 Chicago Marathon.
Touching The Void
Is a 2003 documentary film based on the book of the same name by Joe Simpson about Simpson's and Simon Yates' disastrous and near fatal attempt to climb the 6,344 metre (20,813 foot) Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes in 1985. The film combines documentary footage of interviews conducted with Simpson, Yates and Richard Hawking with a reenactment
Twelve Angry Men
A 1957 American drama film adapted from a play by Reginald Rose. Directed by Sidney Lumet, the film tells the story of a jury made up of twelve jurors (all male, mostly middle-aged, white, and generally of middle-class status) who are uncomfortably brought together to deliberate after hearing the 'facts' in a seemingly open-and-shut murder trial case. They retire to a jury room to do their civic duty and serve up a just verdict for the indigent minority defendant (with a criminal record) whose life is in the balance. The film is a powerful indictment, denouncement and expose of the trial by jury system. The frightened, teenaged defendant is on trial, as well as the jury and the American judicial system with its purported sense of infallibility, fairness and lack of bias.
Site for good movie ratings:
Books Worth Reading
Written by Jon Krakauer is a bestselling non-fiction book about the adventures of Christopher McCandless. It is an expansion of Krakauer's 9,000-word article, "Death of an Innocent", which appeared in the January 1993 issue of Outside. Krakauer intersperses McCandless's story with a discussion of the wilderness experiences of people such as Everett Rues, John Muir, and John Menlove Edwards, as well as some of his own adventures. Krakauer first went to Alaska in 1974 and has returned there 20 times since. He spent three years carrying out the background research work for this biography. Christopher stopped communicating with his family shortly after graduating from college and left on a wild adventure. He travelled through different lands and did odd and end jobs in order to survive. His main aim was to live in the wild in Alaska for a prolonged duration. It is here that he finally meets his end. The book is based on accounts of people he met along the way and his diary that was found in the bus he made home before his death at the age of 24.
Harry Potter (Series)
A series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermoine Granger, his friends from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldermort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world and subjugate non-magical people (Muggles) to his rule. Although this book is a fairy tale and hence would be considered to be for children, it has atracted an audience of all ages. It is magical and well written. A book that leaves you wanting more.
Kite Runner
A novel by the Khaled Hosseini. Published in 2003 by Riverhead Books, it is Hosseini's first novel. The book is about a boy named Amir who betrays his best friend Hassan. Years later when he is grown up and living in the US of A, he is called back to Pakistan to rescue Sohrab, the son of Hassan.
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
I a novel written by Ken Kesey. It is set in an Oregan asylum, and serves as a study of the institutional process and the human mind. The novel was written in 1959 and published in 1962. Narrated by the gigantic but docile half-Indian "Chief" Bromden, who has pretended to be a deaf-mute for several years, the story focuses on the antics of the rebellious Randle Patrick McMurphy, a happy-go-lucky transferee from a prison work farm to a mental hospital. Having been found guilty on a battery charge, McMurphy fakes insanity to serve out his sentence in the hospital. The all-male asylum is based upon the old Pendleton, Oregon asylum (now the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution). With little medical oversight, the hospital ward is run by the buttoned-up, tyrannical Nurse Ratched (or as Bromden calls her, "the Big Nurse") and her three black day-shift orderlies, whom the Chief portrays as resentful "black boys".'s_Nest_(novel)
The Perfect Mile: Three Athletes, One Goal, and Less Than Four Minutes to Achieve It
By Neal Bascomb is a non-fiction book about three runners and their attempts to become the first man to run a mile under four minutes. The runners are Englishman Roger Bannister, American Wes Santee, and Australian John Landy.
Three Cups of Tea
This New York Times bestselling book is written by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin published by Penguin in 2006. The book describes Mortenson's transition from a mountain-climber to a humanitarian committed to reducing poverty and educating girls in Pakistan and Afghanistan. He did this by co-founding the Central Asia Insitute, which has built over 78 schools in the most remote areas of the countries.
The book's title comes from a Balti proverb: "The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger. The second time you take tea, you are an honored guest. The third time you share a cup of tea, you become family..."
Touching The Void
Is a book by Joe Simpson recounting the true story of Simpson's and Simon Yates' disastrous and near-fatal climb of the 6,344 metre (20,813 foot) Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes in 1985. The book won the 1989 NCR Book Award.
This is an inspirational book about a man's struggle to survive breaking his leg, falling into a crevice and hunger and make his way back to camp before his fellow climber packs up and leaves.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Trek to Sudhagad
As we kept going we got separated and suddenly it was just Joy, Chihomi and me. Where were the rest of the guys? Oh no!! This place with its Blair Witch feel and three disappeared boys - Pretty spooky! This is where we did our take on the Blair Witch Project.