A wise man once told me to keep the remote control of my feelings safe in my hands. No one should be able to control my emotions. But, really?!?!?! How can that be possible? We are all human and we interact with so many people. People, especially the ones close to us affect us, right? Isn't only then that you realise that they mean a lot to you?
The people you love probably deserve to hold the remote from time to time. Love in general. Your Family, Lover or God.
My Mom kissed me good night yesterday after I do not know how many years! It brought a smile to my face and I forgot my tummy ache for a while. I forgot that my Sis had just bugged me and the tiredness I felt on the way home from work. However, just that morning I had a fight with Mom. I was really angry and couldn't think straight. How is it that I can be so angry and then suddenly so happy with the same person? Do we forget what we felt such a short time ago?
Ah, yes...It gets even worse with your sweetheart. It is like the ebb and flow of the waves. One moment you feel pulled towards the person and want to do everything together. Then one misunderstanding leaves you frustrated and wanting to be nowhere near the person. Or maybe go real near and chop their head off [wicked laugh]
True, that it is temporary and in a short while you can't resist the pull once again :) Everything is fine once again and a smile shines bright on your face.
Are we all bipolar when it comes to love?
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