Friday, December 24, 2010

Quiet Thoughts

Christmas time is finally here again. As in past years I am away from family. I usually like being in the States, but at Christmas I want to be home. I know, this place can feel really magical with the snow and decorations everywhere - even in the street. But it is a time I want to be around loved ones, get a few hugs, give some love.
And so I wonder what I am going to do this year. Thought of spending it with some old friends, but they ain't here. And so I have to think of some other plans.

May go to St. Patrick's Cathedral with Conrad and Rajiv today and then spend a day with Rachita in Central Park over the weekend. I love Central Park. In summer you get lost in it and can forget you are in the city. It is amazing what someone thought of and the community helped build. It is by far one of my favorite places.

But I love the City too. Besides Seattle it is my best city in the US. I love its vibrancy, mix of cultures, tolerance and colors. Walking out here you can never feel alone. There is always something new to see and do. You can walk into a local Deli and find a food you have never seen before. Try out a new type of cuisine (It has everything under the sun here). I tried some awesome Brazilian food this time. Greet people you pass. Ask for directions and happily be led part way there by a smiling stranger. Walk around at past midnight any day of the year and be surrounded by a bunch a people doing the same thing! Unfortunately I was not able to do the Grey Line tour. Would have loved it. I have been all over anyway, but they give interesting tit-bits of history as they move along and it is all great fun.

Got to know so many new people on this trip. Some will remain as friends and others enriched my experience none the less. I hope that I can get my guitar back with me this time. Lufthansa does not want to co-operate. But will wait and watch. Things have a way of working out in the end. Like today, I got a wonderful Christmas gift from my manager - he approved my travel to be shifted one day up so that I can be back home on Sunday instead of Monday. So I can hopefully have this wonderful day cocooned :)

The year is almost done and it has been interesting. Last year I did a lot more, but this year had a nice charm to it. Was home after a long time, met some awesome people, bought a new home....
I guess it is normal to sit back and think of all things done and things you would like to have done differently and things to do in the next year. This is not one of those times though. Am going to relax for a bit with some hot chocolate and a nice book, then head out and start my day...

Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 19, 2010

She Don't Get You!!

Why does she want to be with you all the time
You don't need to be around the full 24
You know she loves you and wants to make you smile
She don't get you sometimes, no she don't

She drives you crazy with her calls
Tries to be cute and blows you a kiss
You haven't told her why you wont answer her tonight
She don't get you sometimes, no she don't

Oh no, it's not you
She don't get you sometimes, no she don't

Friday, August 27, 2010

Caught in the Web

Five years ago I did not know much about this thing called the internet and did not use it except to read the occasional email. Then I went to the States on an assignment and everything changed. I was hooked from the word go...well, once I got to take my office lappy home anyway.

Initially I used it pass on electronic money to vendors who seemed to have the most amazing deals just sitting around in cyber space waiting for me. I bought my first camera, car, SDs online. I was in cyber heaven; I had discovered the joy of shopping while lying on my lazy ass at home. Then I learned to use my online banking site and online statements put a large speed bump in the road to becoming a shopaholic!

By then the net had become my friend when I was alone and bored. Shopping seemed to take a back step and movies were the 'in' thing. I had it all down to an art: finding movies, getting the best print and sharing this info with my friends. With my new car, I discovered that I loved long drives and somehow, though many people swear by the interactive navigation tools that you hook up to your car, I always maintained my fondness for the printed online map. Mapquest and googlemaps proved real useful in helping me forget my lack of sense of direction and memory issues with remembering routes :D Somehow though, Wassau, WI (No, this is not a place in my vivid imagination - Meghna lived here) always eluded online maps and the turn to it always disappeared and I had to call poor Megs and get directions once I was lost.

Being far away from home was also made easier! Email, written chat, voice chat, websites to post pictures, social networks all helped keep in touch with a zillion people. OK, not a zillion, but 346 friends on FB is an awful lot! Voice chat is the best, and eased the pain when I had a hard day and really wanted to talk to Mom and Dad. Skype is just awesome, I found. Especially since my webcam won't work with Gtalk for some reason :(

Now that I am back in India, I find that online shopping is not so easy here. Even the maps are not holistic and are not free!! But I still love the net. It still has so many things to offer me.

I blog, though I am no writer. It does feel good to put your thoughts down sometimes. And I get this sense of immortality that even when I am long gone, my notes will be suspended somewhere in the web.
I keep in touch with my friends (most are not in Pune) through email and social networking when long phone calls cause bank balances to go into the negative.
Entertainment is not so much online movies now. It is more in the form of music and online short stories. I keep discovering new links that offer a good variety of choices for the book worm.
And then there is the knowledge to be gained - I have learnt how toilets work, how sensor based traffic lights work, some tips on interior design, improved my knowledge on agile methodologies and play online logic games. Ever the NERD!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Worst Days

I woke up to the smell of muffins...imagine your mouth watering even before you have time to brush your teeth...yelch! But ahhh....I almost sleep walk to the kitchen only to trip over a log on my second step. Silvia outta the way...Then there is Rashna and Naita..I smile....Sleep over after sloggin on our third year project.

College days...These happy days are yours and mine .....nananana.... It’s odd how we think that the present is like the worst, most horrible, F**KING (we thought this term was so cool) time ever of our lives. In college it was the constant assignments, dumbass Profs and paucity of printers that got on our nerves.

I think I was the joker of the lot. What with 'Uncle! Woh naraaz ho raha hai :(' and 'Alladin'. We were a bunch of 8 - Anahita, Anita, Bernie, Meghna, Namrata, Rashna, Silvia and me.

All girls’ college can sound lackluster and drab...and that is exactly what I thought at the time. Why did Mom and Dad seem so pleased? Did they not want me to have an all round experience and have crushes on guys just for the fun of it? But then College happened and it was such fun! We walked around barefoot from one lab to the other, hid just around the corner to mass bunk a class as the Prof arrived, copied assignments shamelessly and bunked Saturday lectures to get a VCD from Videotron and watch (always a romantic comedy - in other words a chic flick).

I remember crying with the tension of exams and then rejoicing when the fruits of our labor were declared. I remember jumping to the beat of the dhol at ganpati in the quadrangle. I remember fighting with some girls at IIT. I remember hugging, dancing in a circle when Silvia, Anahita and I all got into Patni in the on-campus drive. I remember the 'worst' days of my life.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


For want of this one magical moment
When eyes shall meet and past be forgotten
When hands are held and peace is made
When memories flood the air around
Of sweet good mornings, long walks and arms surround

When sweetness of the past makes the future possible
When amazing journeys are planned for two
When love swells and is all that matters
When a smile renews special bond and holds strong

This one moment that dissolves past pain and hurt
When we walk hand in hand, you and me
When the warm rain bathes and cleanses us
When we embrace and turn a new leaf in the sun

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My 2009

My annual tradition continues, but this time in my blog - A recollection of moments this past year. (Okay I only now noticed that this still was a draft. So I am publsihing it as is)

Did I spend 2009 well? Did I do the best I could in everything I did? A lot has happened this year. In previous years I have always felt that I have done a lot of things, but this year is filled with so much more.

I started out 2009 as usual with some resolutions. Was careful not to keep too many this time after the 2008 disaster :)

1> Live healthy
2> Do some serious running
3> Love truly if it should come my way

For once I think I have done all three. I can already see where people's focus is
However the year was really filled with travel, workouts, friends, love and movement.

Early this year I was told that there was a possibility of me going back to India. I started to get mentally prepared for this and then it did not happen. I got to enjoy the wonderful summer in Minnesota. Did not waste a bit of it this time unlike 2007 where I was doing 13 hour work days all summer long.

I took up running seriously. Did some 5Ks, an 8K, 10K and then my first Half Marathon. Was not very clever with the training and overdid it. Outcome - the last 4 weeks of training landed up being zilch and had to attend physical therapy instead so that I could at least walk right. Still ran the HM against doc's orders. It was the best thing I ever did! The feeling at the end of it is unbelievable - to have done something that most people don't ever think of doing.

Living healthy came naturally with all the running. My food habits changed and proteins were the choice of the day. Took up cycling and doing a whole lot of outdoors activities in general. I love MN in summer. The lakes and the breeze make it a delight to be there.

Life needed a boost though and instead of letting my brains rust, I decided to give the GRE. Four weeks of intense studying and then the exam. It was not the greatest and I was pretty disillusioned by the mock tests. But it was fun. a taste of something different.

Then the time to come back home actually arrived and I was ready. Coming back to India was a challenge. I don't want to sound pompous. But initially I could not cope with the crowds, weather and breathing the fumes that I had long forgotten my body pretty much rebelled. I couldn't recover from the flu. Took 4 weeks of a hoarse voice before I could carry any sort of tune. Now everything is good though. Settled in pretty well. It is so nice to be back with family and friends. Living with my grandparents was really nice and I love that I came home to a place where I am truly welcome.

More news!! I quit Patni after 6 years. The only job I ever knew. It felt like taking this giant step and I was super scared. But the new job seems exciting and I got a hike in pay, designation and role. So it was a no brainer to go for it :) Thank you Vinod!

The new job brings me back home to Pune and I am living in my Mom's place again. Big baby :D Well there are new babies at home. Brutus and Brandy - my puppies. I love them and they have their own ways to show they love me. Rottweilers are not the easiest of pets, but I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Bought a new car. My third baby. A Honda Civic. A bit big for Indian roads, but it is a joy to drive her.

Coming back to Pune brings me to the last of my resolutions :D
Yes love did come . Something totally unexpected. He is the sweetest man and he makes me feel like a princess. I cannot say that it has all been ups. There have definitely been downs too. But, love is a roller coaster...there is no thrill without the downs and the woosh up again.

My friends have played a major role in shaping my year.
Silvia, Meghna, Anahita, Amol, Rambha, Ashdin, Forrest and Vasudha - thank you all for being the wonderful people you are!

The year has been a great one and I hope 2010 can keep up!

Friday, July 16, 2010


How do I know I am bored at work you ask....

1> I have been reading my guy's ex's blog!!

2> I have been answering the phone for everyone on my floor all day

But....this does give me time to close my eyes and count my blessings. Did I just say blessings?

Does the fact that I am getting the silent treatment from my sister count? Maybe it does now...she does not know how to stop. Her thoughts come pouring out of her mouth like the start of a glacial river!! And they say I have verbal diarrhoea...

But I do love my family. I thank God for letting me work in my hometown. This way I get to live at home with my folks. After all I am the sweetheart US return daughter. I must get ample love. Oh well...I am the oldest of 4. And the latest two additions to our family (the youngest two siblings) Brandy and Brutus sure know how to hog the spotlight big time! My two adorable Rottweilers. They truly are adorable. But I want some attention too...MOM!

Okay, so I need to get away from my family at times. Time spent with my sweet hunny bunny is always great. Now he is one hell of a package. And I have to say that opposites do attract sometimes. I, the totally social person who loves to be around people and he, the quiet musician who would rather be alone and read a book. That does lead to some name calling though. Psycho Sunaina for calling a zillion times when it is obvious Mr. Right has no intention of talking and Dufus Ash for being a #@$% and ignoring me when he knows it makes me mad. But I do adore him so :")

However, sometimes solitude is good. A nice long ride alone. Maybe my car is a blessing...Yeah maybe, in heavy disguise. I love my car don't get me wrong. But I scratched it and have to shell out 9 grand for the second time, had a flat tyre repaired and promptly got another one and have to still get that repaired. So now I am scared to take that monster anywhere coz if I do get another flat there is this not so remote possibility that there will NOT be a puncture guy who has the equipment for tubeless tyres. Oh yeah, did I mention that I have an awesome car :)

Its good I have a good bus service to work since I definitely do not feel like driving 45 kms to get there. My job - the thing that makes me feel like a genius. Genius? - I can call myself a glorified bum! I shifted companies in the hopes of getting what I deserved and apparently what I deserve is to get paid without working :D

Ah....Life is good!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

You Don't Walk Alone

Dont be afraid my love,
I'll be right here with you
Every test you face my love
I will face with you

Things may not always be smooth
But we can see them through
We can get through rough waters
Always, me and you

We can face any adversity
People will see the light
When two hearts are meant to be one
It can only be right

Lets take on this challenge together
I will never leave your side
Hold my hand, we will be strong
Statement, true and tried