Friday, August 5, 2011


She sat by the bay window watching the rain fall lightly down
Windows were alit in the neighboring building
A family sat down for dinner, she could hear the tinkle of laughter

The troubles of her day seemed to wash over her
The fight seemed not a fight..... now just memories
They left her feeling drained nonetheless

Her camera lay on the floor besides her
Shots from the morning clipped, drying.... of faces on the streets
They gave her temporary peace

But now she fidgeted with the letter in her hand
Wondering what twist of faith had left it trapped in her book
He had written it to her....when she was still a child

Sandy came up wagging her tail
Ball in mouth begging for a game of catch
She smiled and obliged.... Sandy was a gift from him too

Together they would walk tomorrow
Past the bakery and school and mall
To the place filled with serenity and tears

She bought flowers along the way
They were his favorite....until 7 months ago
They were her favorite now

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