Friday, July 16, 2010


How do I know I am bored at work you ask....

1> I have been reading my guy's ex's blog!!

2> I have been answering the phone for everyone on my floor all day

But....this does give me time to close my eyes and count my blessings. Did I just say blessings?

Does the fact that I am getting the silent treatment from my sister count? Maybe it does now...she does not know how to stop. Her thoughts come pouring out of her mouth like the start of a glacial river!! And they say I have verbal diarrhoea...

But I do love my family. I thank God for letting me work in my hometown. This way I get to live at home with my folks. After all I am the sweetheart US return daughter. I must get ample love. Oh well...I am the oldest of 4. And the latest two additions to our family (the youngest two siblings) Brandy and Brutus sure know how to hog the spotlight big time! My two adorable Rottweilers. They truly are adorable. But I want some attention too...MOM!

Okay, so I need to get away from my family at times. Time spent with my sweet hunny bunny is always great. Now he is one hell of a package. And I have to say that opposites do attract sometimes. I, the totally social person who loves to be around people and he, the quiet musician who would rather be alone and read a book. That does lead to some name calling though. Psycho Sunaina for calling a zillion times when it is obvious Mr. Right has no intention of talking and Dufus Ash for being a #@$% and ignoring me when he knows it makes me mad. But I do adore him so :")

However, sometimes solitude is good. A nice long ride alone. Maybe my car is a blessing...Yeah maybe, in heavy disguise. I love my car don't get me wrong. But I scratched it and have to shell out 9 grand for the second time, had a flat tyre repaired and promptly got another one and have to still get that repaired. So now I am scared to take that monster anywhere coz if I do get another flat there is this not so remote possibility that there will NOT be a puncture guy who has the equipment for tubeless tyres. Oh yeah, did I mention that I have an awesome car :)

Its good I have a good bus service to work since I definitely do not feel like driving 45 kms to get there. My job - the thing that makes me feel like a genius. Genius? - I can call myself a glorified bum! I shifted companies in the hopes of getting what I deserved and apparently what I deserve is to get paid without working :D

Ah....Life is good!!

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