Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Awakening of My Life - 1997

All was still in the calm waters of my life
When suddenly a storm arose
That storm was ye
Yes ye - YOU
It was all too good to be true
This joyous storm
Awakened my senses
It brightened my life
Restored my willfullness to survive
DArk winters turned to glorious springs
The sun came up
And like a bird
I flew on enchanted wings
Those empty hours
Waiting for Mr. Right
Without knowing my future or plight
I obtained the fruit of success of those
'Cause you came and opened
All my mind's locked doors
You gave me hope and love and care
And now I have
My blooming heart
With someone to share
The feeling was of
Warm sunbeams galore
Or the softness of
White waves on the ocean shore
My whole existance
Suddenly had
A new meaningful view
All because
You met me
And I met you

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