Saturday, August 18, 2012

Goa - Monsoon Treat

I have wanted to go to Goa for like ages ever since I last went in early 2010. So I was really pleasantly surprised and excited to be invited for a trip with the Contraband bunch!

A trip to Goa in August promised to be rainy and a mostly indoors vacation. But I was in for an awesome time. We hired a bike and drove down through short sporadic showers.

Goa in the monsoon is just beautiful, green and refreshing. There are very few tourists around and you feel free to just chill and walk around and be completely yourself.

We went to Arambol, Baga, Calangut, Vagator and Anjuna beaches. Breakfast in sleepy half shut shacks and watching the rain come in from the sea was amazing. And I got to see Bom Jesus church this time!

Food played a major role with searching for restaurants that were open for lunch at 4 in the evening, driving down to Martins to have crab, yummy desert at Brittos and squid in a little corner shop. It was an absolute treat for my taste buds!!

Good music was always nearby. Jamming in S's flat, Jazz music at dinner and a simple Goan band at lunch on the last day.

Spending time with Ash was beautiful and to do it in Goa felt wonderful... our last walk on the beach was the romantic highlight of our stay :")

4 days of so much fun... I felt so relaxed and have warm memories :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Best Time

The lights flashed and bodies were afrenzy
Young women in short skirts and tight tops
Men (barely)..... showing off their moves
The scene was of crazy dancing, harassed bouncers and doors about to collapse

And then I saw him....
And we jived to club music  :*

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

DNA Women's Run - Sunday 11-Mar-2012

Chriselle asked if I would like to run with her in the DNA run. Ofcourse, there was no doubt that I would :)
After looking it up online decided to do the 5K since Chris does not run and also it would be my first in Mumbai. Yojna decided to run too. So it would be the three of us.

Left Pune on Saturday, spent the whole day out with lunch at Chris', picking up the bib and goodie bag (there was seriously a lot of stuff in it) and shopping. Was pooped by the time I came home for dinner.

But that was not the end of the day. Chris wanted to go to Mehboob studios and check out the live bands playing there. That was a disaster except for the so called watered down drink that got us both quite high and made me bonk my head with my wallet ;) Hip Hop we decided was just not for us. Well, it was more of rap and did not go down well.

Sunday morning did not start up bright and shiny. Rather grumpy and sleepy would be how I would describe the first half an hour of my day. But pushed myself out of bed, dragged the other two too and got to the NSE at BKC.
Organization at the start of the run was really bad with Deepika Padukone inaugurating the 5K while she struggled on her bad hair day!

But the run was fun, and there was water every 500 mtrs which was a life saver for people who are not used to Mumbai weather. I decided to cruise along and not push it. People along the way were very sweet and cheered us up as the sun bore down on us. Someone told me to smile :)

Did it in 31 mins. Decent. My std. Yojna came in a lil later and then Chris. Chilled for a bit and then headed home for a shower.

After a nice lunch at Basuba and some street shopping, finally headed to the bus stop and was back on my way home to Pune by 6. Very tired and happy. Oh.. and every free minute was spent reading Shadow Lines. Nice book!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Red and Gold

Sweet words whispered in her ears
She smiled, how warm they felt
Touching him sent shivers down her spine
His arms around her, the world melted away
Long drives, quiet walks, music, laughter
If only she could pretend now...

She watched him pack, pick up his shirt, put the guitar in the case
He looked at her just once... was there hurt in his eyes?
Her own tears blurred her vision.. she would never know

The veils of society, the one root of all their issues
Insecurities only she could shake... Connection only he could mend
If only he would give himself completely she would be the ideal he sought
A month is what he asked for....
Maybe he would be hers once again

The door ajar, his footsteps down the stairs
An old song played on the neighbor's gramophone
She could hold back no more..bent over, she sobbed softly

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012

I had an awesome time bringing in the New Year!
I feel good all over and am looking forward to the cliche resolutions...

I have recently started going to the gym and so this is not an absolute resolution. However I want to keep to the four-five days a week routine. In the past I have always started off strong and then get bored. I love running outside but that is not possible and so this is the next best thing.
Am not one to compromise... but well... I do see results and I feel great. Having a awesome personal trainer who makes you feel guilty every time you bunk doesn't hurt either ;)

I have been told that even though I care about my health, looking good matters too. Go figure!
So time to take on my cupboard, avoid comfortable clothes and spend an additional half an hour dolling up every time I decide to go out.

Also I want to practice guitar more and get way better than I am. The thing is that I love playing, but when I try to do something hard it starts to feel like work... till I get better at it.

I haven't done as much reading as I would like so this makes my last resolution. I only manage some reading before bed these days. Hope to get some really scrumptious books that I just can't put down!

And one GOAL.... run the Half Marathon in Pune this December!!