Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sing to my Soul

It's weird sometimes when you have so much to say but can hardly write it down. For sometime now my brain has been churning. I want to do something. No, not something wild. Something that brings me back to me.

All I think about for the most part is work. And the other times it is about other issues in life. Is life really only about struggling to stay afloat? I don't want to think about the troubles anymore. They will always be there, but they get better if you remember who you are and what you love.

On a large part it has to do with finding the wild carefree child in you. No more excuses of no time and no energy.

I want to be active, indulge in some good mental stimulation and sooth my soul.

There is something weird going on in me though. I have been singing and recording it and am quite liking it.